vineri, 25 februarie 2011

"Please don't come back with a husband. Or knocked up. Well, maybe knocked up is OK."

Today was great! In the morning, we had a bible study about the poor in scripture. I am shocked not only by the number of times the poor are mentioned, but by how many times God identifies himself with the poor. It kind of seems like He loves the poor (however they are defined) as a peer as well as a God. Afterwards, we had a Romanian lesson. It was hard but we are learning concepts that will really help us communicate with and understand people here. For dinner, Courtney and I made Borscht! I am pretty proud of attempting to be Romanian. It turned out pretty well. We had George and Lavina over. It was so much fun! After dinner, we played a long game of Skip-Bo and laughed the whole time! And, I talked to my mom and dad. We're seeing things that God is doing here in Iasi that are really awesome.

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