joi, 13 octombrie 2011

They lacked nothing

People, especially me, can be really ungrateful. Even with that undeniable truth, there are so many people that have almost nothing and they know that they lack absolutely nothing. As soon as I think of that concept, the kids in Moldova come to mind. But, there are people everywhere that seem to me to be joyful and grateful, without a lot of material wealth, or status. They always are thinking of God.

I have an amazing friend that reminded me of this tonight. Without going into too much detail, she has dealt with some serious problems the past few months, and she is so grateful. She is grateful that things are getting better. She is grateful that God is teaching her things. And, to top it all off, she is so GRATEFUL TO HAVE THE ABILITY TO HELP OTHER PEOPLE. I can't even understand how someone can be thinking of others in the worst of situations, but she always is. Recently, she got the opportunity to fight for human rights at the Amnesty International Conference, and invited me join her. I am so honored to be learning about human rights alongside such an encouraging person. Also, I am so happy to get to go to Amnesty International's conference. They are fighting for people's lives. While I do not agree with everything they stand for, they are an amazing group.

What sparked this thought was an article that I read about beauty on another blog. It is really amazing.

marți, 11 octombrie 2011

For four months...

It has been about four months since I got back from Moldova. The same amount of time that I spent in that part of the world. The past four months seem completely different. I miss the kids so much. A lot more than I thought that I would. I am trying so hard to implement the things that I learned there. But, I am learning more to try to get closer to God and then the changes come a lot more easily. One of the things that I am feeling like God has called me to do is to use whatever influence I might have to glorify him and to show his love to people that need it. So, I am blogging again. If nothing else, it will help me by letting me write out goals and things that are important so that I do not get so focused on myself and forget to focus on the God and the people that I love.

Instead of being so much about day to day activity this time, I want to write about things that are bigger than me.

luni, 27 iunie 2011

Thursday May 26 2011
Today is the last day with all of the kids in the La Via program. This morning, I though a lot for some reason about what I am going to say to people about the trip when I get back. I have some ideas about how to speak in an honest and humanizing way that honors the kids. But, I feel like since I cannot put every experience I have had, every word I have read, everything God has taught me, and most importantly, every person I have met into words, whatever I say will sound cliche. At the office this morning, Courtney and I talked about this too. It makes us feel like asses that even though these things are real to us, they will seem so different when we talk about them. Chapel this morning, as expected, was especially potent. We did Lectio Divina for Mark 1:9-11. The word descend in these verses stuck out to me because in a sense, that is what I have to do to be with God. After Lectio DIvina, we split into groups to pray. I was in a group with Magda and Annie. It was so perfect. We all cried... a lot. But, God really moved. After chapel, we had a normal book study and lunch. Then we went to the internat. I see the face of Christ through these kids. Seriously, they are so beautiful. During the playtime before lunch, I played Uno. And, Olga's grandma and Marion's mom were there. It was amazing! After lunch, we sang songs and then they sent us (servant team) outside when they "played a game". They did an amazing supries for us. We walked in with a huge sign for us. and all of the kids clapping. Each group impersonated one of us. Group three imitated me and Ion played the part perfectly. He had mismatched socks, said "am obosit" and did the motions to a song. It was really funny! Group 2 did Courtney doing a puzzle and eating an apple. Group 1 did a puppet show for Laurel. It was hilarious! After, some kids said encouraging words for us. Anisia, Marin, and Jaclin made me feel so loved. Then, they prayed for us. Anisia for me. That girl is amazing. Then, we gave out candy and played outside. It was sad to say bye but I feel like God is comforting me. After the internat, Magda and I went with Viorica  to buy her sandals. WE couldn't find anything. I feel bad but it was great to spend time with them. Anisia and Viorica are such an inspiration to me. These girls know what is important in life. Overall, even though I am sad that this is the last day with the kids, I am happy to have the opportunity to meet such amazing people
Saturday May 21 2011

Today was the last day at the Freedom Home. Two of the girls were not there to say goodbye so it was sad. It was a great last day. We went and bar-b-qed with the girls and then it rained and we all got soaked. WE came back to the house for cake and ice cream. At night, we went to the office for dinner with Lau and Vali.
Thursday May 19 2011
Today we went to the park with the kids. They were CRAZY! But, they all had a great time. It was awesome. I led the obstacle course. Afterwards, I went to the opera with Doamna Zinaida.
Mon.-Wed.. May 16-18
This was a good week Lau and Vali came to visit on Wednesday. I did homework with Cristi.
Saturday May 14 2011
Spent the day at Freedom Home. Afterwards, we went to Audriana's. Tania, Iulica, and all the WMF Moldova staff were there. We played Mafia and made placinte and sarmale. I went to church in the morning with Laurel and it was a good sermon. Afterwards, we went to a cafe with Laurel, Courtney, and Annie.
Friday May 13 2011
I worked on my servant team proposal in the morning and then had lunch with Magda and Anca. Laurel and I ran into Audriana and Iulica so I went to Laurels to babysit. Iulica is so sweet and cute and fun.

Talent Show.

Thursday May 12 2011
Today we had a talent show with the kids. It was SO. MUCH. FUN. Marion was awesome. He and Ion danced with Annie and wouldn't stop. Marin got up to dance but then he got embarrased so he kicked a kid and then sat down. I was a judge, and I told two kids that they won but they couldn't say anything. So, when everyone won one of them was mad. Anisia said a psalm and it was beautiful. Later, I got a package from Jessica and it was beautiful.
Monday- Wednesday May 9-11
Good week with the kids. Don't remember much.
Sunday May 8 2011
I was late for church so I ended up just going on a long walk and sit in a park. It was very peaceful
Saturday May 7 2011
I met Courtney in the morning to go to the freedom home. I felt useless so it was kind of a boring day, but its nice to see the girls and the kids. Afterwards, we went to John and Rachel's and watched a movie. It was nice. The maxitaxi didn't stop for me so I took a taxi home.
Friday May 6 2011
This morning, I ate with Anca and Laurel. Afterwards, I met Courtney at an internet cafe and watched some of a Francis Chan sermon. We met Anca and Laurel for lunch and then Laurel and I watched criminal minds at the office.
Thursday May 5 2011
Today at the internat, Tania (one of the older girls there) sang a beautiful song. Translated into English, it means

Arise Oh Lord
Lift up Your eyes
Don’t forget I’m helpless

Oh You lead me to waters and pastures so green
Oh You pour out Your oil and choose goodness and mercy for me

No I will not be in want

You’re with me
I will not fear
You comfort me
I will not fear


It was moving! We watched a movie- Ratatoulle-  in Romanian with the kids and I understood a lot so it made me happy. Later on, I went to Anca's and watched criminal minds.
Wednesday May 4 2011
We're back with our kids! This is so nice! I led prayer time with the kids. Also, Ion and Petru made me laugh... a lot.
Tuesday May 3 2011
Today was a day off so it was unproductive. I met Laurel in centru, worked a little at the internet cafe, and walked around the park.
Monday May 2 2011
Today was the last day in Galati. There were not a lot of kids of  at the center, because it is Easter of the Dead, a really interesting tradition here. I played basketball with Courtney, worked in the garden, talked with david, and we had a late night bus ride. Also, our taxi home was really sketchy.

"There are big ships and small ships but the best ship of all is friendship"

Sunday May 1 2011

Today we went to church with Lau and Vali. There was an english message today so it was nice to not have to strain to understand something. There was an awkward moment when I got hit on by a man there. But, it is all good now. We went to a place by the Danyew river called Summertime cafe. It was really nice. We got to talk more to Lau, Vali, Ana, Paul, and the kids that they are adopting. We watched Love Actually with Lau and Vali and played "clue". All in all, a good day.

vineri, 6 mai 2011

"What is a friend? A single soul dwelling in two bodies"

Saturday April 30 2011
Today was great. We went to the forest with the kids here. I played with some of the kids and some of them played soccer. We all did organized games. AAt night we ate dinner and talked about companies that exploit people and the environment

"Nothing can stop the man with the right attitude from achieving his girl. Nothing on earth can help the man with the right mental attitude"

Thurs./Fri. April 28/29
It is really cool to talk to the staff here in Galati. They have a lot of wisdom so its nice to just listen to them.

"A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart"

April 28 2011
Today was good. I feel better. In chapel we all shared a little bit about WMF Moldova. We had a good book study. A short term missionary group came from Texas and they are really fun. I cooked dinner, and we did personality tests.

"The most I can do for my friend is simply be his friend"

Wed. April 27 2011
I was sick today so it kind of sucked.

"I maintain christianity is a life much more than a religion"

Tuesday April 26 2011
Today is the first day in Galati! We slept late in the morning because the bus got in very late. Afterwards, we walked to the center and it is seriously amazing! Such a professional place and they do a lot of good. Paul talked to us about what they do and it seems like it has really positive effects on the community. I played volleyball, and I suck. So that was embarrassing. We ate lunch with the kids and listened to them sing with Magda. They are so talented! We cooked dinner and ate with the staff that live where we were staying. They are amazing people. Its cool to see the same place as I was 8 years ago. And, God is teaching me a lot.

"Hristos a Inviat" (Christ is risen!)

Easter Weekend!
This weekend was so great! Friday was anticlimactic, but it was much needed rest. On saturday, the U.S. ambassador had an easter hymn sing (whatever that is) so Courtney and I went to it. His house is ridiculous! There is no reason anyone has to live in a mansion that big. I think I might have looked at it differently before coming here and I know that I am being really judgemental, but seriously. Moldova is one of the poorest countries in Europe, and he, as U.S. ambassador and a Christian is supposed to be representing America and Christ. Living in that house is not representing either in a way that I want to be identified with. Other than that, the hymn sing was really nice though and there was some good food. Afterwards, we met Laurel and went to the Galbenus. After that we met Annie, Rachel, the other Rachel, and John for the midnight orthodox candle lighting easter service. It was beautiful. Rachel wrote something about it on the word made flesh blog:
"On Saturday evening, we attended an Orthodox midnight service with our Servant Team as they wanted to experience this beautiful tradition.
Inside a packed little church with high ceilings the lights go out.  Silence settles around us in the dark as we await the call of the priest.
Come and receive the light!” he sings as a single candle is lit from the very front of the church.
Slowing the light begins to grow as it is passed from person to person until everyone is holding a single candle singing,”Christ has risen from the dead, conquering death with death; and offering life to those in the grave.”  As the clock strikes midnight we celebrate Christ’s conquering of death, the triumph of good over evil, light over darkness.
And this light does not remain only inside the church. Together we slowly proceed outside, candles lit, and walk around the block where the church is situated. Tired as we were (at nearly 1AM) we went home after the parishioners returned inside the church to continue their prayers until early Easter morning.
Christ is risen! May His light fill you today and give you courage to carry His light so that the whole world may know that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God.
To see a picture I found online from last year in Galati and other Easter celebrations from around the world see:"
We all went back to Annie and Rachel's place and ate a ton! But, it was a good night! Sunday, I spent the day with my host family and friends and relatives of my host family. One of them had a little too much easter wine. But, other than that, it was a wonderful day! On Monday, more relatives came and it was a really nice time. After that, Annie, Courtney, Laurel, and I got on a bus to Galati, Romania where we will stay for a week while the kids are on vacation.

vineri, 22 aprilie 2011

“Art is never finished, only abandoned.”

Tuesday- Thrusday
This week has been so busy  and filled with introspection (hence why I havent had time to write anything)
- Frank came. He is this awesome man from England that has been helping Word Made Flesh for years financially and through short term stuff.
-God is teaching me so much!

were promised sufferings. They were part of the program. We were even told, ''Blessed are they that mourn.''”

Monday April 18 2011
John and Rachel came back today! Overall it was a good day but it was a little stressful.

“To become a spectator of one's own life is to escape the suffering of life.”

Sunday April 17 2011
Today was fun. I had a relaxing morning of sleeping in and watching TV with my host family  (I was really just looking out the window, since I don't speak Russian.) I went to Durlesti with Anna and Courtney. It was a good service and the group from Romania sang. We walked in the park afterwards with Magda, Violeca, and Artur. The park is so pretty!

"Exert your talents and distinguish yourself and don't think of retiring from the world until the world will be sorry that you retire"

Saturday April 16 2011
So I was supposed to meet Annie this morning, but I went to the wrong place because of a miscommunication, so then I went to the place that Courtney and Laurel were waiting for us and I just missed them. So, I decided to go home, but I got on the wrong transportation and long story very short: ended up outside of Chisinau. So, really by the grace of God I got home safe and called Annie, and then we all went out to lunch and watched a great movie. It was quite the adventerous day.

"Maybe our girlfriends are our soulmates and guys are just people to have fun with"

Frday April 15
We are halfway done today. It makes me sad. Today was really fun at the Freedom Home. Everyone played with my hair there! And we got to talk to Anna more.  We went to Magda's afterwards for prayer group with a lot of people. It was really good and afterwards we ate dinner and played a fun game.

"It is not so much our friends' help that helps us, as much as the confidence of their help"

Thursday April 14 2011
God is teaching me so much! Today was good, but things have been tense between the staff lately for some reason. We had book study in the morning and playing with the kids at the internat was fun as always, but hard becayse I to disipline two kids and lead a group (that made fun of my Romanian). Weather was really bad so we went to Magda's to hang out. It was really fun! I love her!

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act, but a habit"

Wednesday April 13 2011
Today was hard, but the kids are awesome. They don't have hardly any of the things and people that I do, but they have everything that really matters. Today when we were praying, this sweet third grader who can barely read, write, add, and he has a dad but he lives at the orphanage, prayed that he and the people around him could have more faith and behave like Christians. And that is not something he heard at church, that is just him. At night, we hung out with the group from Romanian and that was fun!

"If you do not hope, you will not find what is beyond your hopes"

Tuesday April 12
Good day! Rachel led book studay because Annie is sick, so it was interesting to hear a different perspective. I talked a lot with the group from Romania. We walked in the park while they and Artur evangelized, and then we all went to the Galbenus.

"The surest way not to fail is to determine to succeed."

Monday April 11 2011
I could not pull my foot out of my mouth today, I basically choked. And, some guy purposfully pushed me at Piata. But whatever. Anyways, the kids are awesome. And, a group from Romania came that is really nice and really loves God.

"Smile. You're beautiful"

Sunday April 10 2011
I went to church in the morning. and then the Piata and the coolest second hand shop with Annie. I registered for classes at the internet cafe and my ideal schedule was still open. I came home to Renalt (Natasha's 9-year-old nephew) and his mom Tanya being there. I had a great time with them and learned a Romanian game (sapte oameni). Afterwards, Nina came over and I got to practice Romanian with her. At night, I talked to Doamna Zinaida and read my bible. It was a really nice day.

"Checking for 'bats in the cave' before going into the bank and being close to cute boys"

Friday April 7/ Saturday April 8
Friday morning, I met Courtney and we went to the history museum: Making this the first day we did something touristy. It was closed. So, we went to an art museum. It was really fun! There were only three rooms because the museum is under renovation. Two of the rooms were filled top to bottom with Eastern Orthodox art. It was really interesting. Afterwards, we walked across half of Chisinau searching for Uno to bring to the Freedom Home. I don't think there is a store in this city that had that game today. It was our first time spending the night at the Freedom Home and it was really nice. But, I didn't go to bed until 1 and I was woken up at 6 to take care of a baby because her mom was at a conference. During the day, we talked with a member of the freedom home staff that is from the Ukraine and has experienced so much about God. At night, we went to Annie's and watched a movie. It was really fun! I also talked to Annie on the way home because I feel like God might be calling me to live in Moldova after school.

duminică, 10 aprilie 2011

"A person who has good thoughts cannot ever be ugly"

Thursday April 6 2011
I love these kids!!! Today was so funny. During the five minutes of silence before homework time that we do to calm the kids down, I was playing Mozart from my Ipod, and I forgot to turn off shuffle, so when the song was over, during the moment of silence "Ms New Booty" started blaring. I went to go turn it off but then Ion, this adorable boy grabbed it and shouted "I like this" (in Romanian). The lady running it just rolled her eyes at me. One of the shyest girls at the internat is hugging me and talking to me now and it is so much fun! She is adorable. After work, I hung out with Laurel and picked up a package from my dad. He sent me a snuggie and my host mom did not understand it at all.

"Hug the hurt; kiss the broken; befriend the lost; love the lonely"

On a side note, the quote above is what I want my life to be characterized by.

Today was great, start to finish. At the internat, it was Olga's (the happiest and most affectionate girl possibly ever born) birthday! Both her and her friend Iulia were quite excited. I made her a birthday banner and a "princess Olga" sign for her party. It was so much fun celebrating her 10 years with her! The kids laughed at me because when I prayed, I apparently said something wrong in Romanian. I still have no idea what it was. At night, we had a belated celebration at Annie's for my birthday. It was so much fun! And, I got a Sari Bari bag and cake!

"Sari Bari is a safe place of employment where women who have been exploited in the sex trade or who are vulnerable to trafficking can experience a new life in the making"

"Life is partly what you make it, and partly what is made by the friends we choose"

Monday, April 4 2011
Shortest update ever. Today was great! Courtney led chapel, I got some work done, Romanian lesson was fun but unproductive, and the internat was awesome. I love these kids.

luni, 4 aprilie 2011

"Fear less, hope more. Eat less, chew more. Whine less, breathe more. Talk less, say more. Hate less, love more, and good things will be yours"

Sunday April 3
I went to two churches today. In the morning with Annie like always. In the afternoon, I went to a church that is at the house of boys that graduated from the internat. It was really cool. They have a full meal afterwards for the Lord's supper. It was a really good time with Magda and Courtney.

"Never let the fear of striking out get in your way"

Saturday April 2nd 2011
I overslept this morning, so I showed up late to meet Courtney and buy cookies for the Freedom Home. I volunteered there all day. We played with the kids until naptime and then just hung out with the girls there. It was fun! And, I learned a card trick. In the evening, a friend of Doamna Zinaida came over and it was good to spend time with them and practice Romanian. She is really funny.

"In learning to know other things and other minds, we become more intimately aquinted with ourselves and are ourselves better worth knowing."

Friday, April Fools, 2011

Today was good. In the morning I let myself get lost in the center of the city. I waled for like three hours, it was nice. I volunteered at Freedom Home and played with cute babies. I had dinner with Annie and came home to more food.

"The best time to make friends is before you need them."

Thursday March 31 2011
Today was nice. We had a super laid back book study. At the internat, I had the job of presenting the Vorbit Frumos (Speak nicely) diplomas to the kids. But two of my favorites didn't get one. Afterwards, we walked around the park and went to the Galbenoos. It was fun!

"never lose a chance of saying a kind word"

My BIRTHDAY March 30, 2011
I turn 19 today. The day at WMF was awesome. When I got there this morning, Magda called me in and asked me to lead Tuesday prayer time. Then when I walked into the office, it was decorated with balloons and gave me Chocolate and sang. The kids at the internat were really excited about my birthday (it was Dima's too) so they made us cards and threw us up in chairs (19 times for me). Romanian lesson was good and I ate so much chocalate! At home it was kind of boring because I couldn't skype my parents. But, all in all, it was a really good day :)

"Character is destiny"

Tuesday March 29 2011
Book discussion this morning was really provoking. So much of what I buy contributes to the exploitation of people. My old navy jacket, the banana I bought today. Not to mention that I play into the opressive system of multinational corporations and contribute to the killing of God's nature, which further oppresses the poor. I need to make serious life changes. God did something really cool at the internat today. Tatiana, one of the girls I prayed for last week, and one of the very few kids in our program I don't know came up to me randomly and grabbed my hand, sat me down next to her, and started talking to me. During homework time, I helped Cristi and read a book with him. In the evening, I went to an AMAZING organ concert with Audriana. And, when I got home, some English speaking relatives of Doamna Zinaida came over. It was a great day.

"The best rule of friendship is to keep your heart a little softer than your head"

Monday March 28 2011
I am still a little sick but today was fun. Although, I found out about something very sad. One of the most adorable little girls at the internat with huge blue eyes and a shaved head (because of lice) only has a mom, who is homeless, and a distant aunt somewhere. Two weeks ago there was a fire and her mom was burnt really badly. She died at the hospital. She doesn't know yet. Please pray for her. God loves her and is holding her, but it is so hard to see someone who has already had a hard life go through so much.

"Tickle my pickle"

Weekend, March 26-27 2011

Saturday was really nice. I worked at the freedom home, played with the cutest baby ever! What I find very interesting about that place is I see the trauma of the girls more obviously  manifested in their children then anywhere else. I feel very welcomed by everyone there.

Sunday: Sick, slept all day, watched a movie, tried some interesting home remedies.

sâmbătă, 26 martie 2011

"Congratulations! Today is your day. You're off to great places! You're off and away"

Friday March 25 2011

Today was really nice. Courtney and I volunteered at the freedom home and played with the cutest babies! I am really tired lately for some reason though. This is a song that has really been on my heart lately. I think this is comforting to me after seeing people in such obviously vulnerable places

You're the God of this City
You're the King of these people
You're the Lord of this nation
You are

[Verse 2]
You're the Light in this darkness
You're the Hope to the hopeless
You're the Peace to the restless
You are

There is no one like our God
There is no one like our God

For greater things have yet to come
And greater things are still to be done in this City
Greater thing have yet to come
And greater things are still to be done in this City

[Verse 1]

[Verse 2]

There is no one like our God
There is no one like our God

For greater things have yet to come
And greater things are still to be done in this City
Greater things have yet to come
And greater things are still to be done here

There is no one like our god
There is no one like our God

Greater things have yet to come
And greater things are still to be done in this City
Greater things have yet to come
And greater things are still to be done here

"When I say I'm a Christian, I'm not claiming to be perfect. My flaws are far too visible, but God believes I'm worth it"

Thursday March 24 2011
Today was really good. we cleaned our hallway at the internat this morning after chapel. It was actually a nice break from having to think about books or language. In the afternoon, we picked up trash around the soccer field with the kids. We made it a competition and they were so excited about it. I had never seen two people fight over who picked up a particular piece of trash before today. Afterwords, two Peace Corps volunteers and Audriana's husband's high school class came and we just played legos with the kids. It was really nice. At night, I talked to Doamna Zinaeda and read my Bible a lot. It was a really relaxing day.

miercuri, 23 martie 2011

"The fact is, to do anything in this world worth doing, we must not stand back shivering and thinking of the cold and danger, but jump in and scramble through as best we can"

Today was awesome. This morning's chapel was very nice. It was a good time of prayer for the kids at the internat. The four kids I am praying for this week are Tatiana, Petru, Dina, and Marin. We had a book discussion afterwards that was really informative for me about aspects of Christianity that I have always kind of dismissed. Then came the fun: these kids. They are so much fun and so sweet despite all of the trauma that they have experienced. We played cards, and one of the girls invited me to the internat on Saturday so she can teach me Romanian. Tonight, we went to a youth service at Isus Salvatorul and they had a guest speaker from the states so half of the service was in English. There was a guy there that had been sold by his parents into slavery and he told his story. It was amazing! We also ran into Ana from Freedom Home so it was fun getting to talk to her.

luni, 21 martie 2011

"Insist on yourself, never imitate"

So, yesterday I took a really crowded Maxi Taxi by myself. I didn't keep a close enough I on my stuff and someone took my wallet. Luckily, I only had some of my money in it, and I didn't have my passport or social security card in it or anything. But, it still sucks. I realized that it was missing today at the office, so I ran home to see if I'd left it, and I didn't. It was definitely stolen. And, thinking back to being in the maxi taxi, I know who did it. But, there is no way to track them down. The whole day was just kind of off from there. But, it was fun because it was the 13th birthday of one of my favorite kids at the internat. He is so sweet! I left the internat early (we each have one day a week to do that, and normally I would just stay, but I had to go) so I didn't get a chance to say bye to anyone there. It was just kind of awkward. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. Tonight, I had a great talk with my host mom (in Romanian!).

duminică, 20 martie 2011

"A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be"

I think I am coming down with something. Everyone in my host family is sick and despite the many (very interesting) home remedies that they have given me, I think I am still getting it. But, church was still really good. I went to an orthodox church in the morning and then to the same evangelical church as last week. At home, I basically slept all day. But, last night, God really opened my eyes to how prideful I am in certain aspects of life. I throw around titles and crap to seem like I am important to myself. But, it really doesn't matter. Whether I am "Food Coordinator" or "Janitor" it is all the same as long as I am glorifying God. If I am trying to follow Jesus, and the bible says this about Him, why do I care what my position in life is?
"Who, being in very nature God, 
   did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; 
 rather, he made himself nothing 
   by taking the very nature of a servant, 
   being made in human likeness. 
And being found in appearance as a man, 
   he humbled himself 
   by becoming obedient to death— 
      even death on a cross!"

"A good deed is never lost. He who sows courtesy reaps friendship. He who plants kindness gathers love"

Saturday March 19 2011
Today, despite the fact that I was crabby because of little things that annoyed me, was really good. In the morning, I did laundry, watched a movie, and finished Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger (I definitely recommend it). Natasha's cousin, cousin-in-law, and nephew came over. They are very nice and a very beautiful family. But, they speak Russian so without the translator on the computer, I didn't understand anything they were saying. It is interesting to see how the political views of people here influence the language that they speak. I took  the bus to Anca's and had a great time with the girls there. We ate, watched a movie, and played games. When I got home, Natasha and I watched (another) movie. A very relaxing day.

"One does not know, until one is a bit at odds with the world, how much one's friends who believe in one rather generously, mean to one"

Friday March 18 2011
Today was awesome. In the morning, Audriana gave a lesson about institutionalized care in Moldova and the education system here in general. The things that stood out to me the most are:

  • children are with the exact same group of 25 kids from grades 1-12
  • children with any type of disability are sent off to "special schools" in remote locations
  • One of the children in our program at the internat had a family that was going to adopt him. They took this child for a day and then left them at the Internat and never came back. 
After lunch, we went to a really cool ministry. It is a home to survivors of sex trafficking and their children. What an amazing place! It is a very nice, big, homey place. And, based on the conversation with their communications assistant, they are extremely loving, serious, and proffesional about what they do. I'm going to pray about volunteering there on weekends. At night, I just ate dinner and crashed.

joi, 17 martie 2011

Happiness resides not in possesions and not in gold; the feeling of happiness dwells in the soul

Today was so. much. fun. And, I really see God in these kids. They are broken people with obvious problems because of the trauma they experienced. But, through all of this they still have this joy that seeps out of them. I especially notice this when they shout the songs we sing at the top of their lungs and when they all start out praying by thanking God profusely. We had a book discussion this morning and Anca joined us. It was really cool how all the different perspectives and biases that we have came together. Then, since it is Thursday- it's movie day. So, we watched Prince Caspian in Russian. I have no idea what it said but three kids huddled around me for the whole movie. I was too focused on how adorable the kids are to realize that I had no idea what was going on in the film. I was also really excited because I was able to have a full on Romanian conversation with my host family about things other than how our days were.

"Kind words are the music of the world"

Wednesday March 16 2011
Today was great. I am getting more comfortable with the kids.  I think I relate best with the boys, which surprised me. I have been praying for reconcilliation for these kids for what has happened to them. From what the staff here says, that has happened a lot since the beginning of the program. That is so awesome! In the afternoon, we had a Romanian lesson. At home, I ate an appropriately portioned dinner and got to talk a lot to my host sister. All in all, it was a fun and productive day.
And, I got to see news coverage about Japan. I can't even believe the devastation that is there. I heard about it but today was the first time I got to see actual coverage. It is so sad and overwhelming.

"Heaven never helps the man who will not act"

Tuesday March 15 2011
Today was a lot better than yesterday. I am starting to warm up to the kids and staff (and vice versa). After our book study as a servant team, we played outside with the kids. It was so much fun! I am definitely going to be more coordinated when I come back home.Then, I played cards with the kids. I have never been in a more intense game of Go Fish. Ever.

luni, 14 martie 2011

“See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that in heaven their angels always see the face of my Father who is in heaven".

So, this is going to be me complaining. Sorry. Today was hard for me. When I imagine how things in my future are going to be, especially big things like working at an orphanage in Moldova, I romanticize them. A lot. Today was the first day I worked at the internat. It's hard. It's hard to not speak the same language as the kids here. It's hard to not connect as well with the staff as I want to. It's hard to literally have nothing to do but sit there. It's hard to have a kid get really attached and crave attention because you know they don't get that from a lot of people. Its hard to see the how the places that they live in are really not homes at all. They are worse than the worse college dorms I've heard of. I think that today is the first day that I am experiencing real culture shock. But, I can rest in the fact that God loves these kids. God has room in His heart for them. God understands them. I know that I'll get over this feeling that I am having now. But, I hope that it is not fruitless. Please pray that this feeling leads to real change in how I love people. Noone deserves to feel how I am sure a lot of these kids do: abandoned, alone, and unloveable.

Heading from quotes:<insert picture of a unicorn here>

"A friend is someone that lets you have total freedom to be yourself."

Sunday March 13 2011
This morning, I went to church with Annie, Anca, and the other interns. The church is really small but I like it. The pastor talked to me about things that the church does with Stella's house that seem really cool. I hope to get involved in that. On the way to church, we went to this cool market with traditional crafts and jewelery. I will definitely be returning there. After church, we walked through the main park in Moldova. It is so beautiful. At home, I had a great time hanging out with Doamna Zinaida and Natasha.

"Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out"

Saturday March 12 2011
Another really good day in Moldova. I ate a huge breakfast. They feed me a lot and it feels rude to decline. Natasha and I talked for a while and then she and I did face masks that she made. We're running out of things to say since we only speak broken versions of the others language. After she left for work, I read and prayed for a bit. Then, I set off to try and find an internet cafe. I failed. Hopefully I'll find one tomorrow. (I obviously did, since this is posted.) But, I did get to explore a small part of Chisinau, which was fun. When they got home, I got to practice more Romanian. After dinner, we watched an Amanda Bynes movie with Romanian subtitles. Good times.

"Go confidentially in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined."

Friday March 11 2011
What a great first day in Moldova! This morning, I got to talk to Natasha about language, movies, and other things that make me realize that she is very open. I loved it! And, it is a great opportunity for me to practice Romanian. She went to work. So, I read and prayed by the icon of Jesus (traditional to an Eastern orthodox home) in my room until Annie came to pick me up at one. I got to meet the staff at the office. We played games and talked. Then, Annie took us around Chisinau a bit and I went home. At home, I got to look at pictures with Natasha.

"The best way to make your dream come true is to wake up"

Thursday March 10 2011
Today was crazy. We started off the day by going through bible passages that really spoke to us in these past three weeks. Mine was Acts 2:42-47
All the believers devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, and to fellowship, and to sharing in meals (including the Lord’s Supper), and to prayer. A deep sense of awe came over them all, and the apostles performed many miraculous signs and wonders.  And all the believers met together in one place and shared everything they had. They sold their property and possessions and shared the money with those in need. They worshiped together at the Temple each day, met in homes for the Lord’s Supper, and shared their meals with great joy and generosity all the while praising God and enjoying the goodwill of all the people. And each day the Lord added to their fellowship those who were being saved.
Then we said goodbye to Abi and boarded a van to Chisinau. I met my host family and Annie couldn't stay at all. So, it was kind of awkward because I only speak a little Romanian and my host mom speaks no english. But, both her and her daughter are very sweet. They keep telling me that I am family. And, they make very tasty food. I am definitely coming back home 50 pounds heavier.

miercuri, 9 martie 2011

"He that will not retreat is a wounded man"

Wednesday March 9 2011
Today I had my first drink ever- by accident. We went to this tea shop with Abby, and with my limited Romanian I ordered what I thought was orange flavored coffee. In reality, it was coffee with orange flavored liquor. I was like "this is really strong" so someone else tried it and realized it was alcohol. So, Courtney and I mixed are drinks together to make mine not as strong. We ate lunch and read in the afternoon because are lessons were canceled. We went to the prayer meeting at church. It was good but I'm going to miss the people we met here.

"Strangers are just friends waiting to happen"

Tuesday March 8
La multi ani! (Happy Romanian Mother's day!)
This morning we had a discussion about Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger. It was extremely provoking, We can talk until we're blue in the face about acting as Christ followers. But, how much am I actually helping?
We spent the morning cleaning because Abby comes home tonight. It was alright but I was in a crappy mood. I've just been thinking about a lot. The Romanian lesson was fun because since today is women's day we got to give and receive gifts. We had pancakes and scrambled eggs for dinner. Then, Laurie, Lavina, and Diana took us to Capo, a park that pays tribute to Eminescu, a famous author. We also got to see the big university here in Iasi. It is so beautiful! Walking and talking with the girls and Abby is awesome. I'll be sad to leave.

"The only journey is the journey within"

Monday, March 7, 2011
I am SO awkward. That right there is the sentence that characterized today. Moving on...
This morning we went to Metropoli with money, flowers, and a Scooby Doo coloring book to bring to Mihiela and Simona. But, they were not there. I missed the opportunity God gave me to pray with her because I felt like I was supposed to the entire time we were with her, but I didn't. However, we were able to give the flowers, coloring book, and some of the money to a woman that had two children with her. The little boy's face lit up when he got the coloring book and we saw the mom buy food with the money we gave her later today. It is so encouraging to see her use the money for what she said she was going to. I guess my surprise at that shows my cynicism. We also got to pray for and give money to an older begger that is in a lot of pain. We had some people from the church over for dinner and games. It was fun.
On a side note, I need to be better at communicating with people. I don't want to loose my friends back home.

luni, 7 martie 2011

"What progress, you ask, have I made? I have begun to be a friend to myself."

Sunday March 6, 2011
I am so amazed by the people at La Rascruce church. I see Christ in them. The pastor had us over for lunch today and we all shared our stories. They have a beautiful family and I felt totally welcomed. Even the story of how they met is filled with God. Both of them didn't care about getting married, they just wanted to serve God, and then He told her that she was going to marry this pastor. Afterwards, we went to church. It was the first church service in the new building. We took communion and it was so powerful. I don't think I've ever taken the Lord's supper more seriously. These people really seem to act out their love for God. I pray that churches everywhere can have the community that they have. I just wish I could speak Romanian and not be so awkward so I could talk to more people. :)

duminică, 6 martie 2011

"Furry walls can take you on a magic carpet ride... Throw their arms around you 'til you got no place to hide... Let your furry fingers be your guide."

Saturday March 5, 2011
This morning, I practiced Romanian with Annie and it was really helpful to put into practice what I am learning. Afterwards, we went to the church. I got plaster literally all over me. But, it was still really fun and productive. The new church is ready for the first meeting in it tomorrow. Then came the highlight of the night. Diana, Lavina, and George took us up to a mountain around Iasi where you can see basically the whole city. We watched the sunset. I can't even believe how beautiful it was. Also, we got to take a lot of pictures. Annie and I made momaliga and chicken for dinner. Then, we made cookie dough. All in all, a good day.

"When I say 'I'm a Christian', I don't speak of this with pride, I'm confessing that I stumble, and I need Christ to be my guide"

I am tired, so this is going to be short. But... This day proved that God is so good. Today was pretty normal, we read in the morning, went for a walk, got scammed by a potato guy that knew we couldn't understand Romanian very well at Piata, and had a good Romanian lesson. Afterwards, however, God really opened my eyes, through some videos that we watched, about how lukewarm I am. I need to fully rely on God.

"Always be kind, for everyone is fighting a hard battle"

Thursday March 3, 2011
Today was good, but I think we are all starting to feel the tension of four girls living in a one bedroom apartment. For example, I am annoyed by everything one person does at this moment. But, I know that a good 90% of it is just me being tired. I think this is teaching me about true Christian community. I might not like this person right now, but I love her because Christ loved her enough to die for her.
Anyways, today was pretty good. I found a pair of jeans to replace the ones with a hole. It was good to walk around a lot. I spent the rest of the day reading and doing the Romanian lesson with Lavina. For dinner, we had Laurie, Diana, and Lavina over. It was so much fun!

miercuri, 2 martie 2011

"The greatest revenge is to accomplish what others say you cannot do"

Today was really good. This morning, we discussed Nouwan's book further. The discussion was very convicting for me because it discussed the idea of community and how we can not live in community while at the same time always having the desire  for recognition and to get ahead. That is one of the major things that separates Jesus' actions from ours. With the exception of when He was tempted,  He was never alone except when he was praying. I think that proves something about us. When we are alone, it is easy to let our minds wander, to become prideful, and ultimately to sin. But, together with others we are held accountable. I made lunch for us and it turned out alright, which I was happy about. The Romanian lesson went really well and was fun because it digressed into all of us playing Backstreet Boys songs and talking about what flavor dance biscuit we want to be. Lack of sleep will do that to you. Lavina stayed for dinner and we played black jack afterwards. All in all, a great day.

"best friends bring out the best in you"

March 1, 2011
We couldn't work at the church this morning because of the break in, so we finished our poverty in scripture discussion. I was getting annoyed at the cynicism of some, but I can be the same way through my actions, so I shouldn't judge. After that, I went to Kaufland and Piata with Annie. It was a long walk but good to get out. On a side note, a crowded Romanian supermarket is way stressful when you don't speak Romanian. When we got ack, I made cookies. Well, more of a cookie cake, but delicious none the less. I got so frustrated with myself during the Romanian lesson because I am not memorizing as well as I want to, but I think my expectations are too high. The prayer group was awkward at first, but good. I prayed out loud, which felt like a big deal to me. An afterwards Laurie, Alex, and us watched Youtube videos and talked about the Dance Biscuits, our band.

Happy Martisore

"Follow your honest convictions. And stay strong."

Monday February 28, 2011
Today we met Mihiela and her oldest daughter, Simona at Metropoli. We went out for tea and I played tic tac toe with Simona. She is hands down the most BEAUTIFUL seven year old girl. Afterwards, we went around the whole city getting them things that they needed. Simona kept hugging me :). I had a difficult time not judging Mihiela because she tried to manipulate us in a few different ways. But, Jesus said to love people, not only the people that are easy to love. Laurie was with us the whole day and came back to have dinner with us. We brought leftovers to George and found out that it had been broken into. So he is staying up all night with a bat. That sucks, but if any church can stay positive, La Recruce can.

luni, 28 februarie 2011

"People with many interest live, not only longest, but happiest."

February 27, 2011
This morning we went back to the orthodox church to bring food and money to the beggars that stand outside Metropoli. Two women really talked a lot to us. One of them is an older, very funny woman that kept talking to Courtney, Laurel, and I even though we had no idea what she was saying. The other, named Mihiela, is a girl who had her nose bashed in during a protest in Bucharest. She was very nice and told us her story of having children. She called Annie this afternoon and invited us to come to her house, so we are going to meet her at a public place and buy some things for her children. I am really learning to experience God's love in a tangible way, and I hope and pray that the love that I am feeling shows the beautiful people that we met outside the church today that the God of the universe loves them too. We had a relaxing afternoon, and then Annie, Laurel, and I went to La Rescruce. At church, they talked about the conference in Chisinau that they just got back from. Again, they welcomed us into a community with them. The love that they have for God, each other, and for us is amazing. They inspire me as well as convict me about how I choose to love. Today at church, there was a schizoprenic man, two homeless men, and three foreigners (us) and every single one of us was not only welcomed but whole-heartedly included. I love these people and I love God and what He is doing in their lives.

duminică, 27 februarie 2011

"Truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget."

Feb. 26, 2011
Today was very relaxing. We had a late morning, after which we went to work at the church. There was not much left to do with the insulation so we just cleaned up and drank tea with George and Lavina. We went to a museum with them that showed the things that Romanian royalty used to have. On the way there, we got to see a lot of Iasi that we previously had not seen. We went to the cultural palace by the Metropoli church, but it is being renovated so we could only see the outside, which was extravagantly beautiful. We came back to Abby's apartment (where we are staying) and had a dinner of French toast and potatoes. Afterwards, Diana, Lavina, and George watched a movie with us.
Lord, thank you for your perfect love. I love you. Thank you for our grace and that you love us even when I am unlovable. Also, thank you that you love these kids. You made them. Make them feel loved. Please give them a peace that they have never known. Make us fully secure in your love.

"Be courteous to all, intimate with few, and let those be well-tried before you give them your confidence"

February 25, 2011
 We had a discussion today about Henri Nouwan's book In the Name of Jesus. In it, he says "Go live among the poor in spirit, and they will heal you." This is so beautiful because if this statement is entirely lived out, removes the "us" and "them" distinctions that all to often characterize work focused on marginalized individuals. When we go and live with these children and families, we are not just being used by God to help heal them, but they are being used by Him to help heal us. The book also discusses the idea of first and second loves. God has a perfect love for us. When I am with him in prayer, I feel his love for me. Yet, I still look for that perfect first love in people that are only second loves that need grace just like me. God has really been showing me that I need to stop idealizing romantic love and other second loves and just be in God's perfect love and grace.
Anyways, today was good. We got a lot done at the church and started forming sentences in Romanian during the lesson.

vineri, 25 februarie 2011

"Please don't come back with a husband. Or knocked up. Well, maybe knocked up is OK."

Today was great! In the morning, we had a bible study about the poor in scripture. I am shocked not only by the number of times the poor are mentioned, but by how many times God identifies himself with the poor. It kind of seems like He loves the poor (however they are defined) as a peer as well as a God. Afterwards, we had a Romanian lesson. It was hard but we are learning concepts that will really help us communicate with and understand people here. For dinner, Courtney and I made Borscht! I am pretty proud of attempting to be Romanian. It turned out pretty well. We had George and Lavina over. It was so much fun! After dinner, we played a long game of Skip-Bo and laughed the whole time! And, I talked to my mom and dad. We're seeing things that God is doing here in Iasi that are really awesome.

miercuri, 23 februarie 2011

"The most beautiful discovery that true freinds make is that they can grow seperately without growing apart"

Wednesday, February 23, 2011
I feel so much better today. I had a good night sleep and was able to feel less homesick as well. We went to go help with the church building today, and I felt well enough to help put up the insulation. I have discovered, even though I might have figured this all along, that construction is not my forte. However, I am extremely happy that I could help the church in some way. My low of the day was being so cold! This is the first day of my being here that I understand why people do not like winter.
We had a huge warm lunch to help us recover from the cold, so I recovered pretty fast.
After getting back from the church and showering, we got into the hardest Romanian lesson thus far. I am stressing, but I am finally learning conversational Romanian that we can use on a daily basis.
Tonight we watched the Blindside and it led into a discussion on whether or not it is OK to be a rich Christian. That is why I love this group.

"Just when the catepillar thought that the world was over, it turned into a butterfly."

Tuesday, February 22nd, 2011
Today was hard. This morning, we went to go build the church, but I got sick. The whole day I felt sick and disappointed I couldn't work. But, the prayer group was fun.

"Happiness depends more on the inward disposition of mind and less on outward circumstance"

Monday, Feb. 21, 2011

I couldn't sleep hardly at all last night. During the orthodox service yesterday, a begger came up to me and I wouldn't even look her in the eye. There is something very wrong with that. There is a verse in the bible that says whatever you do to the least of these, you do for me. So, by default, I ignored God, at church. We are going to go back Sunday and talk with all the beggers outside of the church (there are a lot).
This morning, we cleaned the apartment to get ready for the prayer group tomorrow night. We also went to Kaufland, which is the most "American" thing here. It has a set up similar to Publix. On the walk back, I got to make a snowangel! I was so excited (and I got a picture of it). Definitely a high point of my day. In the afternoon, Courtney made us an amazing salad at lunch and we ate it with Laurie and Lavina (our Romanian teachers). We had a good Romanian lesson, but I am excited for when we start learning how to have real conversations, since the vocab we learned can only get us so far. After the lesson, we all played a game of phase 10. It was hilarious! We laughed more tonight than we have since we got here.

luni, 21 februarie 2011

"What a wonderful thought it is that some of the best days of our lives haven't happened yet"

Sunday, February 20, 2011
There is something so beautiful about living simply. The past 5 days I haven't watched TV. I've had limited access to internet. And, today, we went to two church sevices (one orthodox, one protestant), slept, ate, read, and talked. I feel closest to God during relaxed days. I need to get used to walking on ice in heels though, because on the way back from the orthodox service, I fell. I'm getting closer to the girls and I feel a lot less homesick. At the protestant church (who is providing us with the apartment we're staying in right now), I felt like we were being welcomed into a family. It was so small and they found someone to translate for us. The music was amazing and the sermon was one of the best for me to hear in a while. He was so sincere and honest. Also, everyone there had a great sense of humor and people just came up to talk to you. We also hung out with Laurie, who will be teacjing us Romanian this week. I love Iasi.

sâmbătă, 19 februarie 2011

"=) <--- Talk to it"

Today was a good day. We woke up relatively early in the morning to have breakfast and we went to the bank  to exchange money. Annie and I tried to act Romanian by linking arms as we walked. We all went over this cool walking bridge that goes over the rail road tracks and trains. Also, I got to finally buy a headscarf and house shoes: two Romanian/ Moldovan essentials. Not to mention, it was SNOWING! Thick, beautiful, just-right snow. I told the girls that someone is making a snowman with me before I leave. In the afternoon, we went over more Romanian and discussed philosophies of ministry in Word Made Flesh. I love that it is an ecumedical organization. We also talked about Moldovan history and shared our "stories". I got far too emotional, but it was a good bonding experience with the team. Gid has really been teaching me the past couple of days that this whole experience is not about me, but about Him and His glorifying Himself through the most vulnerable Moldovans, and all of the rest of us. On a side note, I have been thinking a lot about my servant team project, and I am so excited to get started.

"When the best things are not possible, the best an be made of those that are"

Friday, Feb. 18th, 2011
Today was a very good day. We had a late, lazy morning before going out. On the way down the stairs we got yelled at by an older Romanian man who was offended that we did not let him go first and say good morning. Annie had to explain that we were not trying to be rude, we just do not understand the culture. There are a lot of cultural idiosyncracies to get used to. We went to a few little shops underneath our block apartment and I loved being able to go all the way to the Piata (an outdoor market) to buy things for dinner.After dinner, made by Annie and Laurel, we all talked about expectations, gals, requirements, and a lot about our lives. I am a little homesick but I love it here.

***All titles are from a gift that my friend Karen gave me. Also, all blogs are just typed out excerpts from my journal

joi, 17 februarie 2011

"What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?"

Today, after three long flights, we landed in Chisinau, Moldova. From there, we took a minivan to Iasi, Romania. We will be spending three weeks here for an orientation and Romanian language lessons. This is due to the fact that if we stay in Moldova for more than 90 days, we have to go through a costly visa process. I also met the 2 other team members . Courtney on the layover to Newark and Laurel in Munich. They are both very nice. I am extremely exhausted and excited at the same time. However, I am also rather homesick. I really miss my family and I want to call them and talk, but I can't until I have time to figure out skype times and payphones. This lack of communication is what worries me the most. However, I know this is the experience of a lifetime, so I can deal with it. 
Annie and Rachel met us at the airport (which is, the smallest I have ever seen). Annie is with us in Iasi and we met one of the Romanian women that will be teaching us the language. Her name is Laura. My host family is an older woman and her daughter, they sound very nice and I am so excited to meet them!